Bush on democracy: hypocrisy, thy name is George posted by Rick at 12:59 AM
How George W. Bush dares lecture anyone on democracy is a mystery. That he manages to say the things he says without being struck dead by lightning on the spot is a potent argument against the existence of any just deity.
"After all, the purpose of a democracy is to make sure everybody is -- participates in the process," says the man who became president through vote fraud and suppression in Florida and remained president through vote suppression in Ohio.
"Democracies are peaceful countries," says the war criminal who initiated and continues to wage a war of aggression in Iraq.
"We believe, and the Iraqis believe, the best way forward is through the democratic process. Al Qaeda wants to use their violent ways to stop the march of democracy because democracy is the exact opposite of what they believe is right," says the leader of the party that is trying its damnedest to ensure one-party rule for the foreseeable future in America.
Truth be told, democracy is the opposite of what the Bush League wants for America and the world. Bush is doing all he can get away with to implement a nightmare blend of theocracy and fascism.