There is an untruth here. George W. Bush is, to be sure, an awful man who deserves every bit of contempt that can be mustered against him. Unfortunately, though, the threat is much bigger, much more serious, than one demagogue. The legislators from the right wing of the Republican Party don't merely fail to defend the Constitution: they actively participate in the attack on it. Witness the gerrymandering of Texas; witness the closed-door GOP caucuses where major legislation is drafted without the knowledge, let alone the input, of the loyal opposition; witness the across-the-board pandering to religious fundamentalists who would turn our nation into a theocracy; witness, of course, the enthusiastic pursuit of an illegal war of aggression; witness, finally, the extension of the so-called Patriot Act.
And the representatives of the aforementioned loyal opposition, for their part, are either too cowed by the right or too beholden to the same corporate interests to raise their voices. Not one of them has yet, for example, shown up in Crawford to support Cindy Sheehan's call to stop the madness. Instead, the supposed leaders of the opposition party step all over each other as they race to call for still more troops to bolster the occupation of Iraq. The woman who warned the nation of a "vast right-wing conspiracy" now appears to kowtow to the right wing, even as the right continues to vilify her and her husband. It's a tragedy akin to Winston Smith shouting "Long live Big Brother" at the moment of his execution.