About those electronic votes... posted by Rick at 1:46 PM
This article discusses the odd coincidence that the exit polls - usually a rock-solid indicator of actual election results - were significantly farther off the mark in precincts where paperless electronic voting machines were used.
This one shows how placing the most unreliable machines in the areas most likely to vote Democratic easily cost Kerry enough votes to win Ohio, New Mexico, and the White House.
And this one examines the larger implications of allowing private companies' computers, whose source code we're not allowed to see and whose results are completely unverifiable, to count our votes.
But enough sour grapes. Fair and square or not, we lost our bid to oust the Bush League. Which means that, barring a miraculous awakening of the Republican legislature to the necessity of putting country above party, this site and others have four more years of cataloging to do. America will regret the day they put this bunch in office, but only if they are made to see what it did to our country. It's our responsibility to show them, to keep it in their faces, and to make sure they never forget. More about that soon....