Cheney to Leahy: Fuck You! posted by Rick at 10:41 PM
A little over a year ago, we heard about Paul Wolfowitz's eloquent response to an Al Franken taunt at the 2003 White House Correspondents' Dinner.
Now comes word that you don't have to be a smart-ass liberal writer to get that kind of response out of the darlings of the religious right in Washington. Indeed, the very same four-letter salute can be evoked from our great Vice President simply by reminding him of his own comments, as Sen. Patrick Leahy did at the annual Senate "class picture" photo op.
Senate aides with knowledge of the encounter Tuesday said the vice president confronted Leahy about some of the Democrat's criticism about alleged improprieties in Iraq military contracts awarded to Halliburton Co. Cheney, who as vice president is president of the Senate, is a former CEO of Halliburton.
Leahy responded by saying the vice president had once called him a "bad" Catholic.
Cheney then responded, "F--- off" or "F--- you," two aides said, both speaking on condition of anonymity.