Hunt for Osama narrows... posted by Rick at 11:29 PM
I just got a news flash from Joe Burgess, the"Green Dog Democrat":
Pentagon officials now believe they have been unable to locate Osama Bin Laden because he has found a place in which to hide where . . .
(1) it is easy to get in if you have the money;
(2) no one will recognize or remember you;
(3) no one will realize that you have disappeared;
(4) no one keeps any records of your comings and goings; and
(5) you have no obligations or responsibilities.
The analysts are still puzzled, however, as to how Bin Laden found out about the Texas Air National Guard.
Joe edits what he calls "an every-other-day 'op-ed' page from various sources" and sends it to a few like-minded folks here and there. He intentionally keeps his direct readership small, but encourages his readers to forward his missives to other like-minded (or not) friends. It's well worth reading--and forwarding to anyone you know who is (1) an otherwise sane Bush supporter, (2) on the fence concerning the 2004 election, or (3) interested in good government. If you'd like to start receiving the Green-Dog Democrat, email me via the Contact link on this page and let me know. I'll add you to my personal list of Green Dog readers, and forward them as I receive them.