John David Rose, in this Carolina Morning News editorial piece, detects the scent of the PNAC at Ground Zero. No accusations, but it sure would explain a lot--from the Bush League's neglect of dire warnings leading up to 911, to the infamous "trifecta" joke, to the continuing coverup of the "intelligence breakdown" that looks more and more like a failure of the Bush administration to act on the adequate intelligence that had been gathered and presented.
PNAC, Project for the New American Century, was organized in 1997 by Zionist neo-cons Robert Kagen and William Kristol. It is funded by three foundations closely tied to Persian Gulf oil and the weapons and defense industries.
Members of PNAC included Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Jeb Bush and Paul Wolfowitz, a director of the organization.
All signed a statement of principles, one of which was to promote "American global leadership" with special emphasis on Arab countries. Another was to "transform" the U.S. military with huge increases in defense spending.
Here's the chilling kicker: To convince the American people to spend extra billions for defense instead of on Social Security, Medicare, etc., PNAC suggested it would take a "catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." (PNAC's exact words.)
Of course even the most cynical of the chickenhawks wouldn't have deliberately sacrificed the World Trade Center for the sake of their war mandate (would they?), but given the number of lives they've already squandered in Afghanistan and Iraq, it's conceivable that they might have turned a blind eye to an indefinite terrorist attack involving a few airplanes. I hope Rose's fears (and my own) are misplaced. I hope the Bush League can do something to reassure us all that they aren't that sick. But I won't hold my breath.