Last Monday, I posted a few quotes from US Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson, Chief Counsel for the US at the Nuremberg Trials, that explained why the Nazis were being tried as war criminals. Basically, a war of aggression is universally recognized as a crime against humanity.
Every generally accepted definition of a just war includes a requirement that the target of such a war has overtly attacked or poses an immediate threat to the country waging the war. The Bush league claimed that Iraq posed such a threat, but the claim was based on information the administration knew to be unreliable, exaggerated, or simply invented. As the truth is gradually revealed, the warmongers ignore the ramifications of this fact and emphasize what an evil, oppressive monster was the regime they overthrew. That is very true, but the oppression by a government of its own people, no matter how severe--and the atrocities committed by that government within its own borders, no matter how heinous--do not justify invasion by a foreign power.
Thus no matter how morally repugnant the Saddam Hussein regime was, the US-led invasion was a war of aggression, and those who brought it about will be judged by history as war criminals.
But the war against Iraq is just one tile in a mosaic of abuses that have been committed right here in America by the Bush League. Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark has drawn up draft Articles of Impeachment that cite 17 counts of impeachable high crimes and misdemeanors, including violations of the Bill of Rights, abrogation of treaties without consent of the legislature, seizure of property without due process, and violations of international law.
There is no issue before us today--the economy, abortion, the environment, corporate excess, global terrorism, or anything else--more important than reversing the damage that the Bush League has wreaked on American freedom. The neoconservatives in Washington have placed themselves above the law. Their abuses grow bolder every day. If they are not stopped, the two-centuries-old experiment in democracy that is the United States of America will soon come to an end.
George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Donald H. Rumsfeld, and John David Ashcroft must be removed from office by the will of the people of the United States. Their trampling of the Constitution cannot and must not stand.