This is a little out of date, but that's OK--it's timeless! Like FDR, these folks are rightfully proud of the enemies they've made.
Your lies,deceit, and hatefulness of life(abortion) is only a fulfillment of prophecies by Jesus Himself.Your support of anti-semitism is only sparking His impending anger and wrath upon this world.REPENT!!!Before its too late.You can't stop what is going to happen in this world.None of your protests,none of your handwringing,nothing.Democrats are nothing more than an incarnation of the anti-christ,atheistic,communist beliefs of every totalitarian government out there.Its good people don't trust G.W.At least its breaking the proverbial umbilical cord that the Democrats want so much for every American to feed on.If you think prosperity comes from fat,bloated,racist,beligerent politicians getting B.J.'sfrom interns,your sadly mistaken.REPENT!!!!!
DU RESPONDS: Dear Mr. Ashcroft, shouldn't you be out catching terrorists or something? I would think that the attorney general of the United States would have better things to do than send threatening letters to liberal websites. Tsk tsk. Shame on you.